ENLIVEN – University of Exeter University of Exeter

A University Project for Dementia in the UK

A University Project for Dementia in the UK

Enabling wheelchair users to access the countryside

Posted 10 March 2022

We were delighted to see 16 organisations attend the ENLIVEN COP, held online on 9th March. Our thanks go to Neil Warren, from Living Options, and Gordon Guest, South West representative for the Disabled Ramblers, who gave inspiring and informative presentations about the work they are doing to enable wheel chair users to access the countryside.

Neil talked about Countryside Mobility, a scheme run by Living Options, which hires out mobility scooters and provides a wide range of support and training to enable more people to access the countryside. Gordon gave a talk on his experiences of accessing Dartmoor with the Wheel Chair Access Group, and gave a useful insight into the different kinds of scooter walks and scooter designs. He also talked about his awareness raising and consultancy work in developing new route cards for scooter users.

ENLIVEN researcher Stephen Page, chaired the event, and gave an overview of what is coming up for the COP: we are looking forward to disseminating early research findings and launching a Small Grants Scheme, whereby ENLIVEN will support organisations to deliver their own interventions.