Strawberry Hill House and Garden, created by Horace Walpole in the 18th Century, has been open to visitors for over 250 years. This extraordinary building is internationally famous as Britain’s finest example of Georgian Gothic revival architecture whilst the garden offers an escape for those looking for tranquility in a natural setting.
The overarching aim of Strawberry Hill’s project with ENLIVEN was to make people living with dementia and carers feel confident that they can visit Strawberry Hill Gardens, knowing it to be a safe and secure environment. To achieve this, the project started from first principles to devise an action plan to make the gardens more dementia friendly. This involved co-designing the plan and piloting initiatives to make the ‘Feel Good Garden’ more dementia-friendly, drawing from expertise within the ENLIVEN team in sensory design alongside consultations with people with dementia. An event was held to launch the improvements and promote the site to the those living with dementia and their supporters.