The British Bird of Prey Centre is based within The National Botanic Garden of Wales in Carmarthenshire. This is the only bird of prey experience in the UK that focuses solely on native species and so provides a unique experience set in a well-known visitor landmark. The aim of the Centre is to give everyone the opportunity to interact with, and learn about, the birds of prey that can be found in the UK and in doing so inspire communities to ensure their longevity.
The project with ENLIVEN provided a mixture of visits to the Centre and outreach visits for local dementia groups. This entailed hosting ‘coffee mornings’ that incorporated a talk about birds of prey, an opportunity to handle them and a chance to see them in their homes and watch them fly. Each session was tailored to the needs of the group and accommodated up to 15 people with dementia plus their carers. The sessions also included entry to the National Botanic Garden of Wales, so after the bird of prey session visitors could walk around the Garden. The project enabled people living with dementia from the community and care homes to visit the Centre every other Thursday. One of the birds was taken to visit a local group of people living with dementia and further visits were planned to care homes in the local area.